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Descriptor English:   Hyperoxaluria, Primary 
Descriptor Spanish:   hiperoxaluria primaria 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Hiperoxalúria Primária 
Synonyms English:   Hyperoxalurias, Primary
Oxaloses, Primary
Oxalosis, Primary
Oxaluria, Primary
Oxalurias, Primary
Primary Hyperoxaluria
Primary Hyperoxalurias
Primary Oxaloses
Primary Oxalosis
Primary Oxaluria
Primary Oxalurias  
Tree Number:   C12.777.419.313.500
Definition English:   A genetic disorder characterized by excretion of large amounts of OXALATES in urine; NEPHROLITHIASIS; NEPHROCALCINOSIS; early onset of RENAL FAILURE; and often a generalized deposit of CALCIUM OXALATE. There are subtypes classified by the enzyme defects in glyoxylate metabolism. 
History Note English:   91(87); was see under HYPEROXALURIA 1987-90 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
BL blood CF cerebrospinal fluid
CI chemically induced CL classification
CO complications DI diagnosis
DG diagnostic imaging DH diet therapy
DT drug therapy EC economics
EM embryology EN enzymology
EP epidemiology EH ethnology
ET etiology GE genetics
HI history IM immunology
ME metabolism MI microbiology
MO mortality NU nursing
PS parasitology PA pathology
PP physiopathology PC prevention & control
PX psychology RT radiotherapy
RH rehabilitation SU surgery
TH therapy UR urine
VE veterinary VI virology
Record Number:   19195 
Unique Identifier:   D006960 

Occurrence in VHL:
